Sell Gift Cards from your Store and your Website.
Earn up to 35% more! Offer Loyalty Programs and attract Repeat Customers...
On-Line Credit Card Services, Inc. has incredible, money-making Gift Card Opportunities for your business. Capture after-hour sales and tap into the “Buy Local” movement. Let us help you reevaluate your Gift Card systems and have us help you with updates, enhancements and related services.
Choose from numerous excellent programs. Start a Loyalty Program to encourage repeat customers or to reward loyal ones. You can even use the same cards for both Gift and Loyalty, if you choose!
Let your customers purchase YOUR Gift Cards from anywhere! Promote your business through our Local Gift Cards program and your customers can buy your Gift Cards from anywhere in the country!
CLICK HERE to see how it works and pick a state! Or buy Gift Cards now by clicking the button below.
Gift & Loyalty Card Program Highlights
Physical Gift Cards For On-site Sales, Pick-up and Mailed...
A physical plastic Gift Card gives the giver something to wrap, insert in a card…and something for the recipient to hold in their hand. Easy. Economical. Call us at (800) 538-1556.
Gift Cards sent instantly by Email, Text or Facebook...
Leave no money on the table. Gift Cards generated for Email or Text will put more dollars in your pocket. And you’ll save on postage. Call us at (800) 538-1556.
We fulfill every order and even promote your Gift Cards online!
Choose our Gift Cards. They’re even rechargeable for extra profit! And with OLCCS’s Local Gift Cards, you are also given a link for your Website or Facebook page. See how it works by clicking here.
Call OLCCS at (800) 538-1556 to get started.